Success on any major scale requires you to accept responsibility... in the final analysis, the one quality that all successful people have is the ability to take on responsibility. – Michael Korda
Your destiny is in your own hands, and yours alone!
You own your destiny. You're 100% responsible for how your life turns out! Your destiny is not in anyone else's hands - neither your parents' nor your spouse's - not your uncle, aunty, friends or enemies have control over your destiny; not even God! Yes! Your destiny is not even in God's hands; you have the freewill to either make something out of your life or nothing. I understand that we live in a very religious society and this may sound quite absurd, but God has already thrown everyone's destiny to them at birth. Now the question is "Will you catch it or let it fall?" The Christian Bible, for instance, tells us that we have the ability to choose what we believe or want to do and that our choices affect our future. ("... choose you this day whom ye will serve..." - Joshua 24:15).
Let me ask you, and as a matter of fact, why is it that the most religious countries of the world are conversely the most corrupt, illiterate and backwards? Why are the most religious nations practically all Third World countries? Your guess is as good as mine: because they wait on God to come and do for them those things that God had already empowered them to do for themselves. Now the point is not to neglect God, but it is to also understand the significance of natural laws, and take advantage of both. We need to come back to the use of our senses and ingenuity! As someone noted, “Religion teaches us how to go to heaven; science teaches us how the heavens go.”
My submission is that "Over-dependence on God for everything is sometimes a sign of irresponsibility."
Until African nations begin to build as many industries as churches or mosques etc., and do as many vigils for research and discovery as for worship, the continent would never move forward. Until the African landmass begins to produce as many scientists as it produces prayer warriors and spiritual leaders, a vast majority of its inhabitants are doomed to beg for food.
To put this into perspective, the United States is one country that has understood the different places of science and religion, thereby taking maximum advantage of both - which probably explains why they are a super power, control the world’s economy, and more - it is the only country that is significantly religious (50%) and simultaneously advanced. I say this to emphasise the fact that we do not have to be backwards and retrograde in order to go to heaven. We can make heaven and still inherit the earth! God gave us brains so He can "rest"! It was Galileo Galilei who said that, “I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason and intellect, had intended for us to forgo their use”.
You are the architect of your own life, yes you! Do it already!